[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-09-12-2022-21

Pratik Kumar Gupta, Dr. Jayendra Singh Rathore, Supriya Yadav

Abstract :

The role of criminal law is very important and crucial in the society in comparison to any other branch of law because criminal law is more concern in the society. For this purpose, criminal law always should be just, fair and reasonable. It should always make the balance between the social interest and an individual interest. The objective of criminal law to tackle the problem of crime, criminal and criminality, thereby protect the society against criminals, criminality and crimes, which are interrelated to each other. Criminal law has objective to tackle these problems and to protect to the society and solve to these problems, an objective of criminal law to prevention of crimes and provides the rehabilitation and reformation of the accused person this is an emerging trend in criminal Jurisprudence. If we see our criminal justice system in rehabilitation perspective we see it’s provide juvenile homes for juvenile offenders and provision of parole for hard offenders.