[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-01-12-2022-003

Roop Kishor Pachauri1, R. A. Kushwaha2 and Ranjan Jadon3

Abstract :

Agriculture has been practiced for more than 20,000 years. The Neolithic period, when agriculture first appeared, also saw the beginning of civilization. India is an agrarian nation, so the majority of its agriculture is reliant on rains, soil, moisture, and environmental difficulties. Our farmers switched to the most cutting-edge agricultural technologies available today. The phrase "smart agriculture" refers to a broad category of agricultural and food production methods supported by big data, advanced analytics, and the Internet of Things. IoT mainly refers to the addition of analytics, automation, and sensor technology to contemporary agricultural processes. It is now necessary for Indian farmers to implement smart agricultural systems in order to increase crop productivity. The farmer can monitor agricultural fields' productivity by compiling data from sensors, actuators, and contemporary electronic devices. With the aid of sensors connected to the processing module Arduino-UNO, smart agriculture can forecast weather data by turning on the pump motor and recognizing the dampness of the soil in terms of moisture levels. With the use of networking technologies, the smart farm system may be operated from any location. When Smart Agriculture and Artificial Intelligence are combined, cutting-edge technologies for data compilation and resource optimization may result. The pest and insect controls that guard against crop damage and also optimise resource utilization can be groundbreaking.