[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-19-12-2022-570

Ms. Sarika Walia, Ms. Taruna Sharma

Abstract :

The integration of markets at the international level brings with it the institutional transformation to adapt to new challenges and challenges resulting from the interaction between different economic agents worldwide. Education is an institution that is significantly affected by this global outpost. Economic liberalization and integration accelerated dramatically in the 1990s and generated significant impacts in political, economic, social, and cultural spheres. Thus, education acquires a strategic role in different countries by recognizing the importance of promoting academic instruction, which generates rational attitudes to promote economic thought in accordance with technological advances. It is not only about the homologation and educational adaptation between educational systems of the countries, but also the vision of the world that the new generations will have in the face of challenges in all areas of human action. It is a change in the face of new global needs that began to be glimpsed from the beginning of the sixties with the Keynesian economic current, which exposed that the growth of a country was originated to a great extent by the development of human capital (Becker, 1993) . , and later by the vision of technological development (motivated by research) according to the growth models of Solow (1957) . Regarding basic education, its priority for the economic and social development of a country is recognized in the understanding that education presents a rate of return that affects reducing inequalities from one generation to another (Becker, 2002) . In addition, from Durkheim 's (1991) functionalist perspective, the function of education is seen as the transmission of values from one generation to another, which does not occur only on the intellectual level, but also in the daily life from one ancestor to another successor.