[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-13-12-2022-560

Subhash S, Sumukh J P, Surya R, Rashmi S

Abstract :

The World Health Organization (WHO) statistics say that the population of countries is ageing fast. The fact that the mortality rate of people is going up, means there are lot more people who might need constant health monitoring. The best remedy for this is to set up an E-Healthcare system that helps monitor their health regularly. Social-IoT can be an enabler in giving effective and efficient services to the people who need them. The fact that Social-IoT is used, the trust between each device will play a crucial role in determining whether the services are coming from a reliable function. The gadgets in a system connected to the internet need to work autonomously without any human intervention and have to recognize and authenticate each other to ensure the integrity of their exchanged data, which promises legitimate data and services. After the authentication is successful, the devices need to decide which data should be sent to whom based on the relationships they have with the other devices. To achieve the same, we propose the security advantages provided by the Blockchain, which will be used to identify and trust, and the Social-IoT to decide the relationship establishment and management.