[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-06-11-2022-403

Vijaykumar1, Dr. Vinay V. Kuppast2

Abstract :

Now days, the global approach of vehicle’s quality is important by its interior noise as well as vibration characteristics. NVH is a process that desires the integration of customer device confidence with the design and improvement process. Millions more automobiles have been sold as a result of significant economic influence that automobile comfort and design have had over the past century. The interior design of automobiles is the subject of extensive investigation. However, the level of noise within the cabins has a greater impact on the comfort and travel of the drivers than many other factors. Low cabin noise level is a comfort factor that is very important. Low frequency vibration, to which commercial vehicles are sensitive and which the drivers can hear and feel, affects how comfortable it is to drive in the cab. Detuning the vibrating system to remove any problematic resonances is a useful technique. The most efficient method, nevertheless, is to stop the noise and vibration at the source. The sound pressure level within the cabin is forecasted using a coupled vibro-acoustic FEM. It is possible to redesign the acoustic material that reflects the most sounds to raise the sound pressure level within the cabin. Every detail must be carefully considered with an eye toward natural modes, natural frequencies, and potential contributions to the overall sound pressure level and the vibrations that affect driving comfort. The final step in reducing noise and vibration in the design of the automotive cabin is to choose suitable acoustic materials.