[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-06-11-2022-400

Chetana Reddy, Virendra Shete

Abstract :

Internet of things is an emerging technology in current date; hence the communication plays a crucial role. For the larger data rate at largest spectral bandwidth is required. The latency, efficiency and combination of multiple access techniques place very important role along with the antennas the transmit the data and received. In the advanced 5G communication, FBMC is one of the most used, configuring the method for flexible applications. This paper proposes the importance of FBMC technique, let us used to solve the problems independently. In the first step, The signal is undergone preprocessing by the technique of OQAM, using. Staggering. In the second step, the filter bank is used to sense assist are transmitted signal. In the receiver side, the FBMC receiver with the filter banks are used to analyse the signals. Before the processing of signal, post processing is conducted with 2 main Techniques which are multiplication by sequence and real value to complex value conversion. In the complete technique, the common problems that raised is narrowband interference. This paper Proposes MIMO technique using OFDM method for the transmission of data in a doubly selective channel, to overcome the narrowband interference technique. The result graph shows how the narrowband interference is better than the Co channel interference for the original signals used. The original signal is also reconstructed back after the addition and removal of narrowband interference.