[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-31-10-2022-397

I. Talib, Z. Nassrullah*, L. AbdulJaleel

Abstract :

The huge increase of vehicles on our highways with increased numbers of heavy goods vehicles in recent years, has led to traffic congestion and higher delays and also could lead to a higher rate of traffic accidents. To overcome such situations and to improve the efficiency and safety of the highways, a good understanding of the traffic operations on those highways is needed. This paper presents a newly developed model to compute vehicles’ numbers and classify them and also to determine their speeds based on video cameras. For the purpose of this study, the new model has been built from scratch by using the PYTHON programing language. Several sets of field traffic data taken from different highway sites in Basra City were collected and analyzed. The collected data was used in the development and verification processes of the developed model. The experimental results are promising and showed that the proposed model can compute vehicles, classify them, and determine their speeds, with an average error not exceeding 3%.