[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-28-10-2022-376

Avinash Thakur#1, Dr. M. Sivagami*2,

Abstract :

A patent is an exclusive privilege given to an innovation, which is a product or method and usually provides a new way of doing things or proposes a new technological solution to an issue. The processes for filing patent applications and applicant privileges differ significantly according to national laws and mutual agreements between countries. In these cases, the exclusive opportunity given to the patent holder is the ability to prohibit anyone from making, utilizing, selling, or sharing the patented technology without permission. Applications for inventions are going to a patent court. That is a federal or inter-governmental body in charge of awarding patents in a nation or territory in dispute. Patent office’s that grant or deny patent applications based on whether the application meets or does not meet the patent's criteria. The patent arrangement differs based on the patent office the innovation is registered with. However, these parts are contained in most records related to patents. The most important one is the segment on “claims”. Every Patent will have one Argument or more. The Argument specifies rights provided by Patent as well as particular creative features of innovation that need to be covered.