[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-19-09-2022-311

T. Soundarya, Dr K. Govind

Abstract :

Introduction: NHS Digital stated that in 2020, one in six school children will be affected by mental illness. Emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression are most common among young people. Increased responsibility can be stressful and the thought of fulfilling society’s expectations can be stressful and emotional. Objective: the major focus of the present research was to assess and compare the mental health and decision-making styles of tribal and non-tribal adolescents. Methods: The sample consists of 101 adolescents where 47 are from tribal and 54 from the non-tribal community with a purposive sampling method. Statistical techniques such as mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation and t-test were used to analyze the data. Results: The vigilance style of decision-making is negatively associated with mental health. Procrastination, buck-passing and rationalization are positively associated with mental health. Conclusions: Mental health is partially significant with the decision-making styles. The increase in mental dysfunction decreases the ability to decide in vigilantly and in turn rises stress-associated decision-making styles such as procrastination, buck-passing and rationalization. The lower socio-economic status and family history of addiction impact the mental health condition of tribal and non-tribal adolescents. Keywords: Mental health, Decision-making style, Vigilance, Addiction, Adolescents