[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-28-08-2022-294

Dhiren R. Patel, A. D. Dhass

Abstract :

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a method of providing a significant technique to use the Human lifestyle in a more advanced way. For obtaining a smart way of lifestyle, electricity supply should be processed through cutting-edge technology. These strategies can be used to monitor and control solar photovoltaic systems for electrical energy generation. Solar cities, Smart villages, Microgrids, and Solar Street lights are a few of the applications for this technology. This is the most successful period in history for renewable energy, with a much faster growth rate than previously. The generation system has acquired internal and external barriers, making it difficult to provide a continuous supply of energy sources these days. The approach described here shows how much energy solar panels use as a renewable source of power on the internet. The performance conditions like operating conditions, temperature effects, solar irradiation incident on photovoltaic panel output, and energy import and export through a grid-connected system can all be monitored using IoT devices in this study.