[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-30-07-2022-265

Title : Implementing Modified 2-By-2 Vcs Scheme For Grayscale Images: Derivation Of Similar Concept For Colored Images
Abhishek Garg, Kishan Pal Singh

Abstract :

XNOR-based Modified 2-by-2 VCS scheme for secret sharing of images to a group of participants has been implemented with comparison of the results with earlier schemes. C Programming language based implementation requires to be done as an appreciation of the results as compared to earlier schemes. Same level of security as for other similar schemes for colored images has been developed for grayscale images. A 2 sub-pixel layout has been used for the implementation. Implementation of the concept has been done with less pixel expansion and distortion which is there in 4 sub-pixel layout based 2-by-2 VCS scheme.