[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-26-07-2022-260

Title : Raspberry Pi-Based Design And Implementation Of Object Detection For Visually Impaired
A.Narmada, Vaishnavi Bashetty, Poojitha pentala, Niharika Balabhakthula

Abstract :

On a daily basis, there are numerous actions done by human beings. The visually challenged face difficulty identifies objects without any help to get their desired objects. This is an emerging technology that assists blind people, in locating objects. In the prototype of the smart glove, the camera is connected to the A Raspberry pi with the help of a cable which will record real time things. The camera, starts capturing an object while moving the hand, of a user. The captured, object by using Deep neural network (DNN), detects an object and then object tracking gets started. By that, the desired object can be known, and voice command is given by the speakers. Additionally, includes an ultrasonic sensor where it senses any obstacle, and then produces a beeping sound buzzer and a micro-vibrating motor that vibrates that makes the user alert. This entire system can be achieved by interfacing camera, ultrasonic sensor, vibrators, and speakers to the raspberry pi 3 b and can be implemented with the help of machine learning. Where the inputs can be taken from camera and ultrasonic sensor and the results are produced from speakers, vibrating motor, and buzzer.