[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-26-07-2022-252

Title : Design And Implementation Of Mobile Controlled Environment Monitoring Robotic System In Iot Platform
A.Narmada, Sai Manvitha Nadella, Resoju Leekshitha, V. Likitha Vasantha

Abstract :

These days almost in every metropolitan city the pollution is at high rate and this all lead to global warming. To decrease the global warming, pollution we need an effective environmental planning. Environmental planning can be done if we know the environment parameters. To know the environment parameters, we do environment monitoring. In this paper we proposed a mobile controlled robotic system which is designed and implemented to monitor the environment parameters such as humidity, temperature, air quality index. This system is divided into 3 parts. ESP32 microcontroller, environment monitoring system which consists of sensors, navigation and control system which consists of motor driver, GPS module. This robot is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled and it can store data on ThingSpeak IOT platform. The robot can be controlled using Android Bluetooth controller app, wherever the robot moves the data is collected at a particular place and is stored in IOT and cloud server. This data can be accessed anytime and is used to do effective environmental planning. This robotic system is cost-effective and is designed to monitor environmental parameters with minimum human intervention to avoid health risk efficiently.