[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-16-07-2022-230

Title : Execution Of Meta Heuristics Gravitational Search Algorithm (Gsa) For Bldc Motor To Control Its Speed
Rajat Yadav, Dr. Naresh Kumar

Abstract :

This paper proposes a new control technique based on a Meta Heuristics Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) method for the BLDC motor to control its speed. The Gravitational Search method is used to dampen the PID loop that controls the BLDC motor's speed. This is an optimization technique based on gravity and mass. This modern technique is successful in optimizing the parameters of the integral square error of the PID controller [18]. Initially, the speed was controlled using a conventional PID controller but some amount of speed error remained. As a result, the proposed technique has been benchmarked for properly controlling the BLDC motor's speed and reducing errors.