[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-26-12-2022-96

Bhawana Joshi, Damini Shaw, Kapil Verma, Rajiv Gupta

Abstract :

Juvenile delinquency is considered as a serious crime that harms the social norms of society. The number of juvenile offences is on the rise everywhere, and young people are becoming more and more involved in violent crimes. The trend of such youth related crimes are also rising in India. It is a very significant issue for the country, and solutions must be carefully researched in order to put an end to the issue. In response to these trends, the Indian legal system and court have amended several of the country's statutes governing juvenile justice. This essay tries to examine the reasons behind juvenile delinquency and the theories put up to explain the issue by academics from various disciplines. Analysis of the statistical data found on official websites shows a rise in the involvement of young people in terrible crimes. The Act related to Juvenile Delinquency has been changed to address the issue of juvenile delinquency in India, and minors accused of grave crimes are now tried as adults. In India, the crime rate is rising steadily, and the most startling tendency that can be seen is that it is rising among juveniles as well. They engage in any manner of criminal activity, including theft, murder, smuggling, and sexual offences. The surge in youth violence is a matter of national concern. With little focus on prevention or intervention, punishment has been the main area of concern. The protection, treatment, and rehabilitation of children who have committed crimes as a result of outside pressures are one of the main goals of the Juvenile Justice Act.