` Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-26-12-2022-148

Author : Sathish M, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Jatinder Kumar, Sarpreet Dadra
Abstract :

In present day construction concrete is overpriced and popular material used where cement is the main source. The world is producing billion tons of concrete in a year. While undergoing cement production process, CO2 is evolved which is the core cause of Global warming. Current Researchers have did enormous job and created many bountiful ways to alter cement. For composing geopolymer concrete by products of various industries may be used like Fly ash, rice husk. In this inquiry geopolymer concrete is prepared with GGBS. GGBS is a byproduct of steel production industry. In this research geopolymer concrete is prepared with GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) and merits and demerits of GGBS are also discussed. Alkaline activator 8M, 10M, 2M & 16M are taken here. The proportion of Activator used is 1:2.5. The cubes prepared for the research was cured in room temperature. Curing is done with ordinary domestic water. Workability of the geopolymer green concrete was not within the good limit. So, plasticizer is added which enhances the workability. Specimen is tested for compressive strength, flexure strength & split tensile strength. All the tests are performed at the standard period based on literature study and guided for concrete other than GPC. Unit weight of GPC was taken as 2400 KG/M3. There are certain constraints to fully replace GPC with the cement. Engineers are trying to establish complete replacement to protect the environment as it makes a eco-friendly concrete. GGBS is a good replacement of cement and production of CO2 is reduced considerably. Our study tries to achieve the strength a of m45 grade OP.
