` Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-26-12-2022-141

Author : H.Vimal, G.Srinivasan, G.M.Gobika, Ravi Shankar Rai Babu
Abstract :

Celosia argenteavar.cristata is an ornamental plant, the colored vegetative tissues of plants in the family Amaranthaceae contain various inflorescences colour varieties. Inflorescence colour varied from yellow to various shades of red and violet. It was being stated true that red inflorescences of common cockscomb contain a nitrogen containing pigment. It was found that betalain were found in red inflorescences. Therefore celosia argenteavar.cristata was used as a potential alternative to the betalains from beet root. In the present study, attempts were carried out to extract betalainfrom celosiaargenteavar.cristataand attempts were also made to study the stability of the extracted betalains under factors such as changes in pH, temperature and presence of antioxidants. The activation energy and rate constants for the degradation kinetics where the dertermined. The studies were also carried out to stabilize the extracted betalin by dehydrating them using malto dextrin and gum acacia as filler and coating agent respectively.
