` Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-26-12-2022-134

Abstract :

The main source of freshwater is considered as Groundwater on the earth and it also contains various ions in it in different concentrations. The ions which is present in water are adaptable for human health upto certain limit and when the concentration of these ions are beyond the permissible limits it will cause serious problems and health issues for humans as well as it is not suitable for domestic purpose also. The main among these ions which causes various dental and skeletal disorders is Fluoride. Using of water which has high concentration of Fluoride may prove to be toxic to humans, animals as well as plants. Excessive concentration of fluoride in the ground water source has been reported in more than 25 countries and India is also one among them in which 4 states are more prone to high fluoride concentration. In view of this an attempts were made to findout the fluoride content in groundwater of West Zone of Coimbatore Corporation. The over permissible limit (0.8-1.5mg/l) of fluoride concentration in drinking water results in various health hazards to humans such as dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis affecting millions of people. Therefore, a proper systematic assessment and treatment of groundwater is required for the reduction of toxic level of fluoride.
