[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-21-12-2022-583

Mr. Sushant Kumar Pattnaik, Rama Prabha K.P, Dr. Gowtham M S, D.Anandhasilambarasan, Ms. Somanjoli Mohapatra, S.Balaji, Gaurav D Saxena

Abstract :

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cutting-edge technology with a wide range of uses, capabilities, and services for daily living. Utilize the industrial innovation and economic ecology of the Internet of Things in various markets. IoT, which consists of networked devices, aims to be a reliable global information network at all times. IoT uses various cutting-edge technologies to intelligently and effectively integrate information, data, and knowledge into process equipment. An innovative economy, particularly one that uses finance, has been characterized as being driven by the National Policy on Science and Industrial Innovation Technology Park. Using historical data from one of the most well-known high-tech industrial estate discoveries in the world, Sustainable Development in Innovation Ecology proposes an analysis and discusses the effects of the National Economic Science Park, an industrial park, and innovation policies: industrial park. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and the Internet of Things are the foundation of an organized research policy based on innovation-based economics and technology policy (IoT). The science and industrial park technology is assessed over the long run by including economic value.