The article presents the results of a study of the working conditions of operators of one of the call centers in Tashkent and employees of the information technology department of the department for the development and design of telecommunication networks of a communications enterprise. The studies found that the levels of noise, magnetic field in the range of 5 Hz - 2 kHz, electric field in the range of 5 Hz - 2 kHz and illumination at the workplaces of call center operators exceed the requirements of hygienic standards. Non-compliance with regulatory requirements is noted in 50.9% of cases of noise levels, magnetic field - 3.6%, electric field - 67.3% and illumination - 10.9%. At the workplaces The communications enterprise revealed that the standard values of the alternating electric field in the range of 5 Hz – 2 kHz were exceeded by 45%, by illumination by 31.8%, and by noise values by 63.6%.