[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 01]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-27-02-2022-229

Dr.Jagannath Jadhav, Amruta Sonavale, Dr Surampudi.Srinivasa Rao

Abstract :

Cloud computing has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Cloud computing offers users services via an internet connection. A user uses the cloud, a collection of data centers and servers located in many locations, as a pay-as-you-go service through the internet. The cost is determined by the quantity of storage space used by the user. The ability to store data in the cloud and access it from any location at any time is the primary benefit of using the cloud. The upkeep of software, hardware, and storage space is not necessary for cloud users. The primary benefit of cloud computing is the cheap cost at which all of these services are offered to users. All users are now migrating their data to the cloud because of this. Because the data kept in the cloud is not directly maintained by the client, security is one of the fundamental concerns with cloud computing. Any unauthorized user has access to the data while it is being sent over the internet and has the ability to modify it. Numerous cryptography and steganography algorithms are offered to address security concerns. This study addressed numerous cryptography and steganography algorithms found in previous works while concentrating on the fundamentals of cloud computing.